Saturday 17 October 2009

yo soy asi

Following on from the project 'things about me', the young people experiment using photography to convey aspects of themselves.
The young people worked in pairs and practiced taking photos of their peers as well as directing and setting up their own portrait. Activities included taking portrait photographs without using your face. The young people discussed ideas about how different parts of their body or clothing could represent something about themselves.

Friday 9 October 2009

Things about me!

This project ran over a few weeks and covered a variety of games and activities that surrounded the theme “Things about me”.
We introduced the theme with small activities such as getting the young people to sketch themselves and to also draw all the things they love and hate. Other activities included getting the kids to draw all the things that they have done in a day.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Mapping project.

We decided to run a workshop that would get the kids to think about using ‘maps’ imaginatively. The kids experimented in drawing maps through a sequence of pictures whilst exploring ways of portraying ‘time’ in a visual way.

The activity gave the kids an opportunity to illustrate their day-to-day lives in a creative way and gave us the chance to gain a greater understanding of the their lives’.
To introduce the concept of time and mapping we ran a number of warm-up games such as what time is it Mr wolf and used interactive time charts in order for the kids to discuss a ‘typical day’ for them.